Poetry and more

Choose a restaurant or a bar, the menu and cocktails, and listen to poets who've come just for you from the 5 continents. The Poetic Happy Hour, Poetic Lunch and Poetic Dinner allow you to travel the globe and immerse yourself in a world of sensibility and emotions.
A host introduces the Poetic Meal's poet, who'll then read his poem for 3 minutes. Guests are asked to remain silent during the performance before going back to enjoying their meal and conversation with friends. Six to ten minutes later, the host will introduce another poet and so on and so forth until the end of the activity.

The Grande soirée de poésie Québecor (Québecor's Great Poetry Night) is the ultimate poetry recital of the Festival. It brings onstage 25 poets at Trois-Rivières' Maison de la Culture. It's a unique chance to see and hear poets from all over the world.

The Poem Line showcases poems from the general public. The Festival International de la Poésie (International Poetry Festival) likes to promote new talent.
Try hanging one of your poems on the line next time you visit the Festival.

The Promenade de la Poésie (Poetry Promenade) was dreamed up and made into a reality by Gaston Bellemare and Maryse Baribeau. Tourists get to know downtown Trois-Rivières while reading excerpts from 300 Quebec love poems displayed on the city's walls.
At the end of the walk, they can slip their poems into a mailbox called the Box of Poems.
Discover the Promenade Internationale de la Poésie at the port's park. One hundred poems in 21 languages border the St. Lawrence River.

Outside of school, at the hairdresser's or at the market, on the Place du Marché, in a school board office, listen, poets are at work.
This Thursday almost feels like a weekend at the Festival International de la Poésie (International Poetry Festival). Small groups of roaming poets can be spotted outside the classrooms. They're planting the seed of poetry, or better yet, they're scattering it to the four winds, spreading the word through their neighbourhoods.

The Monument au poète (Monument to the Poet), located place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville, is a tribute to all the poets in the world. Each year, on Valentine's Day, the mayor of Trois-Rivières places a spray of flowers on the monument in recognition of the importance of poetry.

This recycled mailbox is the perfect chance for the public to drop in their poems, year-round.

Poetry lovers who wish to perfect their writing skills can individually meet with a poet who'll help them polish their work.